Things We Need

  • A facility to establish a processsing center:

  • Washing/drying machines (Up to 10 six load washers)

  • Tables/hanging racks to sort, fold, and pack clothing

  • Area to sort and clean non-clothing items

  • Supplies to sanitize, label, and pack items

  • Office space for administrative functions

  • Drop off site/doors for trucks bringing in collected donations

  • Public donation drop off site/area

  • Trucks to pick up donations and deliver to the processing center

  • Storefront to establish a thrift store

  • Teaching/class space for upcycling furniture/teaching skills (long-term need)

  • Funding to help make this all possible!

Fill out this form if you have something you would like to donate to Thread Our People from the list of things we need. We will reach out to coordinate donations.